Tuesday, 22 November 2016

In this reflection, I specifically deal with the use of mobile phones in my classroom by me-the teacher and my students. This implies that any form of smart phone that the learner are capable of buying can be used in learning. 
I have learned that classroom management procedures when using cell phone need to be used appropriately and responsibly. Students should obey the following regulations:
Upon entry and departure of class please ensure cell phones are turned off and stored in your backpack. When cell phones are being used for learning please ensure they are set to silent.
Phones should only be used for learning purposes related to classwork.
When phones are not being used for learning, place them face down on the upper right side of your desk. And when seen in the class using their cell phone inappropriately, there should be provision for peers reminding each other of proper cell phone use etiquette. The teacher has authority to command a student to take and keep the phone in the bin in the front of the room with a post-it indicating your name and class when not appropriately being used. Alternatively, students may work under the guidance of the teacher to develop a policy concerning classroom management with a plan which they should be ready to abide by and enforce.

Let students get past their excitement of new devices so that they can eventually settle and concentrate. Ensure that the students stay engaged/ setting firm due dates of assessment and scaling the assignments of students who finished first. Walk around the classroom and look at what students are doing. The more active and mobile you are, the easier it will be for you to ensure that the students are doing what is expected of them.

Treat devices as learning tools so that the perception of the devices in classroom changes. Students begin recognizing the value of their devices for research and exploring. Using phone boxes to neatly store students' devices. This will make students know that they must put everything with a screen in the box during testing or doing any other activities. Connect students with educational applications only so as to cultivate technology fluency. Students learn how to leverage applications for learning.

I have not yet explored the use of mobile phones in my class but I hope to do so if my school rule and regulations are revised. The only challenge is that of having to convince the school management to allow students to bring their mobile phones to school. Once this hurdle is jumped I would encourage the students to bring mobile phones into my class. 

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