Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Pros and Cons of Pre-researching Resources For Learners 6.6.4

The pros and cons of pre-researching resources for learners are that:On the side of the Pros; there is critical thinking, creativity, sharing collaboration and communication not only from the teacher to his students but also from and among students themselves and among teachers as colleagues working on the project lesson. But it is almost a must to be ethical, to stay safe and manage risks in the digital world, and as well use technology to participate in educational, cultural and economic activities.
Whereas the Cons include; the fact that risk management in the digital world is quite big- as students are advised to look for more sites, they may open hoax URLS or misuse the web in for opening unbecoming media sources which leave digital footprints. Also if the students are too lazy, they may only utilize what the teacher gave them and do not look for more sources of information on the web
The advice I would you give to my learners when implementing a WebQuest if I require them to do additional research is that they should get information that is:
a)    Current with accessible URLS from the web,
b)    Credible information,
c)    Accurate/relevant information and it should be in line with the findings from the field or meet community needs.
What I have discovered is that technology simplifies teaching, helps to exchange ideas and provides more information beyond what the teacher would have had if he used analogue ways of teaching.

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