Project based teaching is one of the most interesting ways through which effective teaching and learning can take place. I have gained an insight into supporting the learning process when I learned that:
A project helps to bring reality to what is being taught. It helps to link to the community or brings the students' imagination that without them, the world would feel a pinch since no body would solve a given disturbing situation to the society. At first, students used not to have any say or could not add any voice to what was being taught and lessons turned or turn out to be boring to the learners. Projects based learning also improves constructivism through collaborative groups and promotes the 21st Century skill. It helps to fully integrate technology in teaching and best swings to the notion that 'If they can not learn the way we teach them, let us teach them the way they can learn'. Therefore all digital tools can be used when teaching or learning by both the teacher and the learners.
To be honest, I have not been using a project based method of teaching. How ever there are some elements of it which I have been using either by coincidence or by error. In this CCTI module I have experienced the website which helps to simplify the teaching work. It is how ever taxing when one is still learning it but after mastering it, it is one of the best ways of designing a project based lesson. The gathering phase more specifically helps to curate sites for students-just like as a parent initiates a toddler child into the real walking exercise, when he walks then can run-it is exactly the same case that students are then advised to look for more URLS or links to explore more of a topic under study.
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